Monday, September 7, 2009

Babies and Vacations!

Ok,I know it has been a LONG time since my last post, so here it is(have a seat,and enjoy,this may take a while:)
Kiddo updates:
All of the kids are doing great, and growing so fast. I can no longer call them babies, as two are almost walking and they are all starting to look (and act) like toddlers.
Tanner is getting SO big! He is starting to thin out as he gets taller, but is just as cute as ever. He Is standing on his own without holding on for support, I know it will only be a matter of days before he is walking. He is still a bit of a bully, but he also likes to give the other kids big hugs and kisses (right before he tries to bite their face off!) It is so cute to watch him love on the other babies, not so cute is the biting, but we are working on that. He has even bit me a few times because I was not giving him my undivided attention, sometimes he forgets he is one of five children in this household. He has started saying a few new words- ball, milk(which in baby talk sounds like mik, but it works)and we are trying to teach them all how to say Abby. He now has 6 teeth and still Loves his food. He has a little issue with his thumbs which is making it hard for him to pick up finger foods, so we are working with a therapist to get that corrected. It doesn't bother him though, he discovered that he can just move the food to the edge of his tray and pick it up with his mouth, no fingers required. Smarty pants! Here are a few pics of the Tan Man!
Tanner trying his daddy's ice cream

His I'm soooo... cute grin

His hehe I just took Wyatt's ball grin (not so innocent after all:)

Ok lets face it, He is just tooo.... CUTE!

On to Her majesty, oops, I mean Sophia (hehehe). Lets just say my little angel is becoming quite spoiled. After all what the queen wants, the queen gets right? Wrong, and this can lead to some major fits, I am talking feet kicking, back arching, fist banging, screaming, alligator tear fits! I have to admit she is very much like me in that she has a temper and yet is sensitive at the same time, and boy is she stubborn! Now don't get me wrong, she is most of the time very,very happy and loving. She is very much a mamma's girl and is absolutely in love with her big sister. She loves to wave at everyone, it is so cute she always waves with both hands. She is a big talker, she talks all day. She mostly just babbles but she does say a few words, momma,Dada,and her favorite yeah-yeah-yeah. She has a VERY loud voice and can always get your attention. She loves playing with the other babies and her big sis. By far the cutest thing she is now doing is dancing! Every time she hears music or you sing to her she likes to wiggle her little butt (again just like momma:) It is just the cutest thing you have ever seen, I will try to get it on camera so I can post it on my next update. Tooth count for Sophia 3. Here are some pics!

chewing those fingers

My beautiful girl

Looks like the princess didn't get her way!

My sweet,sweet Wyatt. Is getting HUGE! He is now far from being the smallest at a solid 20lbs he is only 4oz less than Sophia. He is just the happiest baby you have ever met. I love walking in the boys room in the morning and being greeted by three huge smiles. He is now crawling on hands and knees which just started this week, up until now he was army crawling. He also has started saying so many new sounds momma, Dada,ummmm(when he likes his food), nini (which think is goodnight?), and he was the first to say ball, no shock because balls are his FAVORITE toy. No kidding I think he has some weird monkey gene because he does things with the ball that I have never seen any other baby do, even his therapist was impressed. He can pass the ball between his hands and feet at lightning speed he will lay on his back and bounce the ball with his feet and then throw it up in the air with his feet and catch it with his hands (amazing I know) he is also very good at just throwing the ball with his hands and catching it when it is tossed back to him, and how smart is this, when he doesn't have anyone to throw the ball to, he gets up close to a wall because he knows that when he throws the ball it will bounce back to him (baby genius? I think so!) I always feel like he doesn't get enough attention because he is just so darn good. He never cries, he avoids all of the sibling fights, he is just such an amazingly happy little boy. As for the ball thing I think the Harlem globetrotters may want to recruit him for his amazing talent. Here are some cute pics of the Y-man.

Am I cute or what!

Don't even think about taking my ball!

My best friend:)

Our little football player Joel, why football you say? Because he Loves to tackle people! Yes he may be little but he is mighty. His favorite thing to do at this moment is chase his big sister around and when she decides to give up and sit down he likes to go right up to her and pounce! He also likes to make silly noises and have others copy him, he thinks it is just the funniest thing to watch mommy and daddy blowing raspberries. He is also now crawling on his hands and knees, but when he gets tired he still goes back to army crawling. He has had a few big moments this month, the biggest, He stood up all on his own without any help!!!! I am so happy that I get to be at home to see all of these special moments. I came around the corner last Friday and much to my shock Joel was not sitting at his activity table, but standing! I am going to have to put this on the list of one of my greatest moments, I know I might be overreacting but after all that our little guy has gone through to see him standing on his own was a huge moment. Of course being the smart little man that he is he decided that standing wasn't grand enough so the next day not only did he stand again but he proceeded to climb up onto his activity table(not such a good habit). Then to top it all, today during therapy he was able to stack small blocks (one on top of the other) which is huge, considering he had such a severe brain bleed at birth, this is not a skill that most babies achieve until much older. I am one very proud and blessed momma! Joel now weighs 18.6lbs and has 1 cute little tooth. Here are some pics of our tough little man.

Look Mamma I'm Standing!

I did it all by myself:)

Tackling his big sis

could he get any more adoriable

My sweet sleeping boy

and last but not least my best friend Abby. Yes, being a stay at home mom I can now say that my best friend is my spunky three year old daughter, and I am darn proud of it:) Although she has her normal three year old moments she is normally so much fun to be with. She started dance class (jazz, tap, and gymnastics) a few mos ago and is just loving it. I am not able to go into her classroom with her, but the parents get to watch the class in the waiting area on a huge tv. There is nothing more entertaining than 30, 3year olds in pink learning to dance(LOVE IT!) She is also starting to play with the babies alot more now that they are bigger and more able to interact with her. She also is a huge help for me around the house. She loves to help with all the things I am doing cleaning floors, dusting, folding clothes ect... She loves to help feed the babies and likes to hand out the bottles as well. Some of the things she says now days just crack me up. And her immagination is taking off, ask her a to tell you about somthing and it will turn into an hour long tall tale. It's hard to believe that she is almost 4, where has the time gone.Here are some photos of Abby.

playing with mommy's sun glasses

Feeding Wyatt

Playing with the babies

One happy girl!

And what have Kevin and I been up to you ask? Well Kevin has been working alot, he is now working 24hr shifts with two days off, however he does work alot of extra shifts on his days off, so he is very busy. I stay at home with the kiddo's which is not an easy job itself, but it is a lot more fun. I do want to say thank you to my wonderful husband for working so hard so I can stay home with the kids, I really appreciate all of your hard work! We have a pretty busy home schedule, between Abby's school, and dance classes, Joel and Wyatt's therapy twice a week, and many dr's apointments, it keeps me running. Can you believe I have only had my van for 6mos and have already put over 10,000 miles on it(wow), yes it feels like I(and the kids) are always running somewere. However Kevin and I did get a little break this month. We decided to celebrate our 6th anniversery on a cruise to Mexico. Yes, thanks my WONDERFUL parents watching the kids, we went on VACATION!!!!!! I thought it would be hard to leave the kids, because I have never been away from any of them other than the time spent in the nicu, but actually it was sooo.....relaxing!
We had a great time. We headed out early on thursday so we could get on the ship as soon as we could. On friday we sailed to Key West, which we didn't see much of because I think we slept in until like noon! That night was formal night and we recieved a nice bottle of wine at dinner as a gift for our ann ( thank you Ken and Carolyn). Of course we spent a few min(HRS) in the casino, and many lounges (ok, bars) on the ship. But our favorite activity I am sad to say was bingo! I know I am going to take some hits about that, but it is so much fun, and Kevin did win a whopping $75bucks. The best day was our day in Cozumel. We decided to get wild and crazy and rent a Jeep wrangler for the day and explore the island ourselves. We found so many little beach bars, and scenic spots that we would never have seen on a tour. I also discovered my new favorite beer dos equis(so good). We had lunch at a tiki hut on the beach, found an turtle nest that had just hatched, found the mexican K-mart ( you will see a pic), and mostly just enjoyed being together. I can't wait till we can do it again!
Again, a HUGE THANK YOU Mom and Dad for watching all of the kiddo's so we could get away for a few days, we owe you big time! Love ya!
Here are some pics of our vacation.

Sorry this post was so long but things are happening so quick around here I just cant keep up! We would love to here from you, so if you are following our blog please feel free to leave a note for us by clicking on comments at the end of this posting.

Take care everyone!
The Crissman Family